Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Still doing great. Can't wait to talk to her next week!!!!

You always put a smile on my face and help me to have strength every time I get to hear from you. That is such a great story!!!! I am going to use some of those questions in our lessons. Thank you for sharing! Mom also tells me that you guys have just been   donig hte work of salvation!!!! Iam so proud of and happy for you guys!!!! Just try to leave some family history for me too ;) there were so many spiritual experiences this week that it is going to be hard to write them all. ok, first, my companion went home on Thursday and I am now in one of my old zones,but in a different area, Los Sauces. I am a sister trainer leader, and my companions (we are in a trio) are great! I am already learning so much from them in just 3 days together. A few days this week I got to be companions with one of my best friends in the mission (she is from Argentina!) and her companion, and they are in my first area, Mayorazgo!!!! I got to see some of my favorite members, and two of my converts there. Dad, IT WAS THE BEST!!!! Gosh; i just want to cry thinking about it: i was so happy! yesterday we had a really neat experience teaching about family history to a recent convert: We felt the Spirit so strongly!!!!! It increased my desires to work on our family history. I am really looking forward to this cambio! I already feel like I am going to learn  A TON! and grow a ton too! I feel like the Lord just wants me to keep giving a little bit more of myself every day. Just a little bit more. :) My companions are really good at helping me do that. They are really fun! but hard workers too, and they are both ending, but are not even trunky. They want to be here, and so do I:). I am so excited to talk to you next week!!!! I will just call your cellphone ok? when the weird number comes up Monday morning, that's me:). Don't forget to do your questions for me as a family please! I love you so much!!!! Have a great week!!!!
Hermana Waite

Monday, October 6, 2014

Letter from Today

so I wanted to write to all of you about the multi zone conference we had this past week. It was AWESOME!!!! We talked about revelation and about how it works like the Liahona. The Liahona only worked according to the heed and diligence and faith of the family of Lehi. When we recieve a prompting from the Lord, we need to decide to act upon it and then act upon it! If we do not act upon the promptings we receive, we will not receive more. It went perfectly with a talk by Elder Holland I had been reading the night before titled 'Cast not away thy confidence'. It's amazing! I recommend it to everyone. But he talked about how Oliver Cowdery had received revelation, but he was scared to follow it, so he lost he opportunity to help translate the Book of Mormon. We have to move forward in faith and complete confidence in the Lord, and I PROMISE that He will bless us with what is BEST for us! Dad, I don't know if you remember, but when you gave me a blessing before I got set apart, you said I would learn confidence. This is something that has greatly marked my mission, and I want to tell you that it is coming about and that it has come about, in various ways. Thank you for being an instrument in the hands of the Lord by using the Priesthood, to change my life.
Another thing we talked about is the temple!!!! As missionaries, we sometimes think that the final goal is the baptismal font, and boom! mission complete. But that is not true. Our real goal, apart from exaltation, is the temple. Everything we do in the church and in the work of salvation should be pointing us to the temple. I have been studying a lot about the temples and am strengthening my testimony of their importance in our lives and in the plan of salvation. 
It is so amazing! to see how the Lord's work is moving forward! I heard that now the general authorities in conference, are giving their talks in their native language. Seemingly little things like that remind me that the Lord is up to something:). I feel like the Second Coming is just coming ever closer, and I am so excited to be found a part of His work along with my family and my loved ones. Keep going strong! You guys are seriously THE BEST!!! and I love each and every one of you soooo much!
Take care! Congrats on the success in all that you are doing, and I hope you have a great week!!!!
All my love!
Hermana Waite

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Letter from the end of Sept.

Hey Papa! Yeah, it has been some adjusting, but you have to have some new things in life every once in a while or things get boring. ;) I told Corbs that we actually entered A HOUSE the other day, not just an apartment, and I was in shock. Today we entered a mall to get to the grocery store, and I had a little panic attack. haha! It is definitely different from the states here, but the funny thing is, I am used to it now. I walk down the street and think, I know I am in a different country, but yeah, normal! I feel normal. haha!

Time just keeps on flying! Next week I am going to have 13months in the mission. Crazy!!!!! I am so happy here! and I am also excited for what the future holds. It still is in the making, but that what makes me happy, is that I can make my future. Agency is such an interesting thing, but a really neat one too. :) 
Things are going well here. We keep working hard and keep plugging along. I am excited to text you lots! (who knows, maybe I will be closer than you think, at least for a while). Pretty soon I will be able to call you guys again! and we can talk on Skype. 

Well Papa, it was good to hear from you. I love you super duper much ! and I always look forward to hearing from you. THanks for your advice and love and support! Talk to you soon!
your little bluebird, Hermana Waite

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Last week's letter. Looking for another tomorrow. If you want to send her a note chalea.waite@myldsmail.net is the email.

Wow Papa, looks like an eventful week!That is super cool that you only have the upper level Spanish classes!!! THat is what my companion is thinking about studying to be, a Spanish teacher.  I am just so happy to hear that you guys are happy!!! It gives me more energy to keep working hard. I pray that the Lord will keep giving you guys blessings and that I can keep working hard and that I can be obedient so that He can do so. I think I just didn't learn because I am so stubborn. I have to learn things for myself. Heavenly Father and you and Mom have a ton of patience with me because it takes a long time sometimes to get things through my head and to my heart.  Thank you for telling me that I am growing lots! seriously, it helps a ton! It is true that I forget sometimes because I am living here in the moment. Sometimes I feel I am  progressing lots, sometimes backsliding, sometimes just taking tiny steps, but I am blessed to be able to learn something every day,so I am just very grateful for that. If we aren't moving forward and progressing, well no pasa nada! It's just a bad idea to stay put. I just keep hoping and praying that I can continue to progress in the same way after my mission. Mom's email that I sent her explains a little more about my thought's on the subject. So I stayed here in Chosica, but for 2 weeks my new companion is the daughter of President and Sister Boswell! Crazy cool huh? Then she and my trainer are going and I will be companions with one of my other friends, Hermana Byington. She is from Moses Lake Washington (where Grandma Lee is from!). So that will be good. We had a baptism in the ward on Saturday that was really beautiful and we have a few more that are coming up. things are really progressing here! I am super happy:). When we don't give up and just keep working hard, pray a lot, and move forward in faith, the Lord truly blesses us, just in His own time and way..:) 
did you really hold a baby?! you look a little nervous in the picture.;) Mom told me that you were going to be done after this year. So what are your plans now that you are not going to have soccer? we are going to have to figure out some things to do together.:) I am so grateful that you are all doing well. Mom told me that you gave her and Corbs priesthood blessings. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being worthy to do that. I am so grateful to have a dad like you who respects,honors, and worthily uses his priesthood. I love you so much and can't wait to talk to you soon!!!!
all my love,
Hermana Waite

Sunday, August 17, 2014

From Last Week. Yup. She's doing great!!!

That's weird that you guys are going to be going back to school! time passes by so fast! Can you believe that today I have been on the mission for 11 months?! I don't feel like I have been away for so long. I absolutely love it here! I know without a doubt that I needed to be here. I am so grateful that the Lord knows me better than I know myself. When I think about it, I really didn't know anything about a mission before I left. I just knew that the Lord told me to go and that I had enough trust in Him to do so. And how grateful I am for that!!! I have learned so much this week, but something that you and Mom are going to be happy about, I wanted to share. You guys know I am stubborn. Heavenly Father has so much patience with me, because sometimes it takes a long time for me to get things. So I know you guys are probably going to be thinking when you read this, 'yeah Chalea! that's what we have been trying to tell you all this time!' but please just be happy that I finally got it.:) You guys know that I am someone who wants to be able to see the end from the beginning. Well that idea has gone to the trash.:) I have been trying to figure things out, but it isn't what I need to know right now. President Packer shared something that one of the prophets shared with him one time. Sometimes we have to walk to the edge of the light and take a few steps into the darkness and there we will find that the way is illuminated a few steps ahead of us. I just wasn't applying my faith. I KNOW that Heavenly Father will lead me to what is best for me. I keep praying for that and that even though I don't know the end yet, I know He does, and I keep praying that He will guide me to that end and that He will help me to keep on the path now so that I can be guided to where I need to be in the future. I am a lot more at peace and happier. Do I still get curious? yeah! but I am so much less stressed and I know without a doubt that if I am obedient and try my best, He will lead me to where I need to be. I thought you guys would be happy to hear that.:) Another thing I have been thinking about this week is about success. Our district is having a lot of success baptism wise, but not us...yet.:) and I wanted to know if the Lord was happy with us or what we were doing wrong. I had prayed about it and there were prayers in my heart. yesterday the Lord blessed me to see other ways that we are helping people and the progress that we are able to help bring about. We had 3 menos activos at church that we have been trying to work with, some of which we have been passing by to visit but haven't actually visited in like 3 weeks. Also we had 2 investigators at church. Our church attendance is usually in the 80s or 90s, but yesterday it was over 100!!! We also were blessed to find an investigator that has 15 brothers and sisters, one of which we talked with yesterday too, not counting her kids and her parents. The Lord blesses us according to His perfect knowledge and time. :) we just have to keep enduring in faith, being happy, being obedient, and  trying our best. I hope you like the report for the week. I love you Daddy!!!! anything I can do for you guys, you just let me know. Thank you for your love and your support!!! I love you so much and am so very thankful to have you in my life as my dad.
Hermana Waite

Monday, July 7, 2014

News from July 8, 2014

Here is a letter from Chalea today.  She is sure working hard and doing well.

Hey Papa!!!
Every week I love the pictures and the coordinating captions! haha! you always know how to put a smile on my face.:) One of the zone leaders was looking at the pictures with me and he likes Moroni's new sword. ;) haha! The quotes are funny too! I told Corbs some hints that will help his cookies to turn out next time.:) We had fireworks too! Well, we always have fireworks here in Chosica. It is farther away from the city, so they have a little more freedom than they do in Lima. Chosica reminds me of when you say that you are happy your classroom is far away from the office because no one comes to bother you. haha! I seriously love it! We met our new president this week and his family. THey are so great!!! I know they were meant to be here, and they are already becoming a part of the big mission family. We had a huge learning experience this week. We had our zone meeting and it was going good until some people who think they are big shots started burning the zone leaders in front of everyone. Let's just say that we all learned a lot. I have so much respect, especially after the meeting, for our zone leaders. They taught us so much about humility, charity, and true strength through their examples. 
Let me tell you about one of our investigators. His name is Julian Brown. He is the brother of the stake president. He has talked with the missionaries many times. He is such a good person!!! but he wants a sure sure answer from the Lord. We are not exactly sure what that is because he was given an earthquake during a prayer with some of the other sisters. I felt impressed the other day that we should read the Book of Mormon with him, because he doesn't have a testimony of it yet. He reminds me a lot of me. he also needs to realize who he really is as a son of God. So we are working with that too. I have been praying a lot for him lately. 
Things are going really well here! There are only 4 hermanas here in this zone. They say only los valientes get sent to Chosica. I love it here! My companion is really great! and we live with the other 2 hermanas in the zone, so every day we are laughing. Well, that's about it from my end. I hope you guys are doing well and continue to enjoy the summer! I love you so much Papa! keep helping the missionaries.
Hermana Waite

Monday, June 30, 2014

Update and a lot of photos from Chalea.

Chalea has been doing great.  She doesn't send super long emails home, but she is doing well and sent us quite a few pictures.  Here you are.  Enjoy.